Showpoiler.com is an entertainment website dedicated to providing the latest information from the world of cinema. We feature reviews of a wide variety of movies from across the globe, covering Hollywood, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Thai, Chinese, and Indonesian cinema.
At present, Showpoiler.com is supported by a team of expert film reviewers who provide captivating daily reviews of the most recent movies. All films are assessed with insightful perspectives and engaging presentation styles.
Showpoiler.com is part of the Bacaterus Digital Media network, operating under the supervision of PT Bacaterus Avontur Imaji.
At present, Showpoiler.com is supported by a team of expert film reviewers who provide captivating daily reviews of the most recent movies. All films are assessed with insightful perspectives and engaging presentation styles.
Showpoiler.com is part of the Bacaterus Digital Media network, operating under the supervision of PT Bacaterus Avontur Imaji.

Sera Serinda Almekahdinah
The first movie that captured her heart was an Indonesian romantic movie called Heart. Since then, she has enjoyed romantic movies and dramas. When the South Korean fever started to enter Indonesia, she also fell in love with the romantic drama Boys Over Flowers and started following the K-drama world after that.
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Gerryaldo Sulaksana
When he was 7 years old, he was invited to watch one of the most successful and extraordinary movies of that time, Titanic, at the cinema. For him, movies are a realm where even the wildest of imaginations can come to life. He typically writes reviews of all the movies he watches, whether they are new releases or older classics. His preferred movie genres are thrillers, action flicks, and horror films.
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Listiorini Ajeng Purvashti
She has a great passion for watching movies from various countries. Since elementary school, her all-time favorite film series has been Harry Potter. During her high school years, she developed a keen interest in anime and all things related to Japan. To further his understanding and appreciation of diverse film themes, she established a personal blog where she shares her reviews of Korean films and dramas.
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Lady Sekarmayang
For Lady, watching movies or dramas is a form of self-healing. It allows her to observe other people's lives and extract valuable lessons from their experiences. Due to this, watching movies and dramas will always remain her favorite pastime.
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Syuri Khodijah Nurjanah
During her college years, Syuri studied a variety of books and films in order to analyze them in her classes. As a result, she has become accustomed to viewing things objectively and through different perspectives. She has successfully applied the knowledge she gained in college, as well as the new knowledge she has acquired, to her writings at Bacaterus.
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Dhany Wahyudi
Ever since he was awestruck by the grandiosity of the scene depicting the parting of the sea by Prophet Moses in The Ten Commandments (1956), he has been enamored with the world of cinema, particularly Hollywood productions. He has not missed a single Hollywood movie release from the year 2000 up to the present day. His favorite genre is historical films, particularly those related to significant events in history.
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Desi Puji Lestari
Being a fan of drakor (Korean dramas) since 2004, writing reviews about Korean dramas and films is an added bonus for her. She regards watching and writing reviews while paying attention to story details and coherent writing as a pleasurable experience, akin to having a picnic at a happy place. Additionally, she has a great fondness for cooking shows, whether they are documentaries, dramas, or movies.
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Suci Maharani Rengganis
After watching the film Devil Wears Prada (2006), she developed an obsession with becoming a renowned fashion designer. She also developed a growing interest in the world of cinema, specifically studying the fashion used in each film. By watching a variety of movies and dramas, she channels her hobby into writing on various platforms.
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Mutiara Dwi CK
Ever since she was in elementary school, she has had a strong affinity for anime and all things related to Japan. Later on, she started watching Korean dramas that were broadcast on television. Up to the present day, Korean dramas and films have become one of her favorite forms of entertainment, alongside Japanese dramas and films.
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Sri Sulistiyani
Ever since she started studying TV & film, her interest in the world of cinema has steadily grown. She is not only interested in film production but also in film critique, becoming a film review writer. Her preferred films span across various genres, but she holds a particular fondness for the combination of thrillers and science fiction.
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Siti Hasanah
Aside from traveling, she also has a passion for watching movies and shows. This interest began in her elementary school years when she watched a lot of cartoons and anime. She enjoys watching various genres of films, but her favorites are drama, romance, and comedy. Since she became a freelance writer, her hobby of watching has merged with her passion for writing.
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Aditya Putra
His favorite weekend pastimes are reading fiction books and watching movies. He has been regularly watching movies with his friends since middle school, whether it be at the cinema or on DVDs. Comedy is his preferred genre.
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Jl. Banda No. 30, Kelurahan Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40115
Email: info@showpoiler.com
Jl. Banda No. 30, Kelurahan Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40115
Email: info@showpoiler.com