Ikue OtaniFilm Ikue Otani thumbs-up - The Imaginary thumbs-up 3.4 Episode of Ai Haibara ~ Black Iron Mystery Train thumbs-up 3.5 Pokémon: Detective Pikachu thumbs-up - Mary and the Witch's Flower thumbs-up 2.7 One Piece Film: Z thumbs-up 2 One Piece: Episode of Skypiea thumbs-up 3.4 Detective Conan: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper thumbs-up 3.4 Detective Conan: Strategy Above the Depths thumbs-up 3.8 Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street thumbs-up 3.4 Detective Conan: Crossroad in The Ancient Capital thumbs-up 3.6 Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in the Sky thumbs-up 3.5 Detective Conan: Quarter of Silence thumbs-up 3 Detective Conan: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure thumbs-up 3.5 Detective Conan: Full Score of Fear thumbs-up 3.7 Detective Conan: The Eleventh Striker thumbs-up 3.6 Detective Conan: Private Eye in the Distant Sea thumbs-up 3.3 Detective Conan: Zero The Enforcer thumbs-up 4.5 One Piece Film: Red thumbs-up 3 Detective Conan: The Crimson Love Letter thumbs-up 2.8 One Piece Film: Gold 1 2 Berikutnya » Artikel Tentang Ikue Otani 10 Drama Terbaik Otani Ryohei, Aktor Jepang yang Berkiprah di Korea Inilah Urutan Film One Piece dari Awal sampai Sekarang Wajib Tahu! Ini Dia Urutan Pokemon Anime Series yang Benar 10 Film Jepang yang Memiliki Tema tentang Perselingkuhan Sinopsis dan Review Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle Sinopsis & Review Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street Dari Miyazaki Hingga Tōhoku, Ini 12 Tempat Asli yang Ada di Suzume 10 Film School Comedy Jepang yang Kocak dan Menghibur